In the lesson we looked at looking at different ways of how to precept a movie or clip through three different interpretations these were:
Real time- which is basically in the present, as it is happening. Another word you could use is match on action which is basically matching the actuon with what is actually happening
Shrinking-this is what it says in the name, shrinking the movie down. This is probably the hardest of the three to create because you need to be careful what shots you want to cut out. You can achieve shrinking a video by taking out certain shots or taking time off them or even speeding them up. You can use the aspects if continuity and cut shots out so it seems shorter and cuts the less important parts out. For example, you can have an establishing shot of a tennis ball being served, and then the next shot of the two players after the game stopping for a drink break. This shows continuity because you didn't have to show the whole Tennis game as you could work that out by yourself.
Expanding- this is basically just elongating the movie or clip so that it seems longer to the audience. The way you could do this is by putting shots in slow motion, adding shots in that are necessary to the clip/movie. This effect is used a lot in horror movies for example when the protagonist I openin the creepy door in the middle of the night because she can hear something, she will do it slowly and maybe some close ups of her facial expressions and put the door opening in slow motion. This expanding of the shot creates the feel of tension.
In the lesson we did an activity were we looked at stills from a movie and the class was split into 3 groups, and each group was designated an effect. And we had to look at the video stills and either find a way how to shorten the clip, make it longer, or put it in real time.
Our group had the task of shrinking the clip. This as quite a challenge because we had to choose very carefully which shots we wanted to take out and whether it would have an effect on the movie and if it made sense to the audience. We decided to take out 4 of the shots and sped up a few. We also added our own quick scene so out video as a whole would make sense to the audience. In the end we were pleased with our result, but as we listened to other people's ideas, we felt we could've shortened it a lot more.
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