Friday, 26 April 2013

Music For Our Main Task

Our teacher recommended that we use music from the artist "Moby" who was also the producer of the theme song for the Bourne Identity movie with the song "Extreme Ways". Moby produces free music that can be downloaded that can be used on small independent films that make no profit. Our production team then decided it would be smart to create an account and have a look though any of his songs to see if any of them would have sounded right for the type of mood we were trying to create. We all discussed what kind of music that we thought was going through our heads at the time when watching our opening and we all came up with similar ideas.

We looked through a couple of the choices and found some good ones that we thought would work really well with our opening. There was one thing we didn't want to happen with the music, and that was that we didn't want it to attract so much attention that it would draw attention away fro the visual side of things, and we didn't want to add too many sounds in at once with all the crowd sounds and trains and voice over.

after looking at all the songs, we decided to use the track Isolate which sounded and worked well with our film.

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